资源标签:#李子柒 #合集 #李子柒高清视频合集 #quark
李子柒高清视频合集 ├─ (豆芽)Long, tender and fresh bean sprouts are nutritious and pollution-free.Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ A multi layer sole shoes for my grandma, in memory of good old days给奶奶做了双千层底,重温儿时一针一线的旧时光Liziqi.mp4 ├─ Acanthopanax 曾经让我挨过揍的一道菜!有“树人参”之称的刺龙苞Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Another year of Cerasus blossom season, come to the pot Cerasus tea又是一年樱花季,来壶樱花茶吧Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ As a kid, I used to eat zongzi wrapped in shells of bamboo shoots.我小时候吃过的传统笋壳粽子,你那有吗?丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ Celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with Qiaosu(原来这才是七夕节的正确打开方式:入口即化的“巧酥”).mp4 ├─ Colorful flowers food, excavating different ways of eating roses缤纷花食,悄悄挖掘玫瑰的不同吃法Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Dragon boat zongzi~龙舟枕头粽,端午记得回家吃粽子 丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ Everyone has a favorite food in their childhood每个人童年记忆里都应有这样一把又香又脆的馓子!Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Exquisite drunken crabs freshness known only when drunk玲珑熟醉蟹:醉过才知熟蟹鲜Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Hao’ban Beef Paste 好拌牛肉酱 Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ How to cook fish in a traditional Chinese way 收取人间一片白,焖得一罐鱼儿香——古法焖雪水鱼Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ How to make Salted Duck Egg Yolk Sauce(Chinese Mayonnaise)蛋黄酱:起沙滋油,咸鲜酥软Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ How to make a Chinese herbal honey 长白山人参蜜:众参皆苦,而我是甜的Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ How to make a Chinese herbal tea 逍遥草本茶,泡一杯自在逍遥!Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ How to make a Chinese red-cooked tomato beef soup 驱散湿气的暖胃汤锅,番茄牛腩带来的味觉盛宴Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ How to make a Chinese secret sauce 宫廷苏造酱,娘娘吃了都说好Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ How to make a Chinese sour bean pickle 吃不完的豆角晾足日头,做成干豇豆炖肉喷香Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ I have the fragrant and sweet lotus wine, do you have a story to share我这儿有清香甘甜的荷花酒,你有故事吗?Liziqi.mp4 ├─ Laba congee, the heavy fragrance will stick to the chopsticks一碗腊八粥,黏得住筷子的浓香,暖心又暖胃Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Make it by a wooden sofa bed 能遮阳挡雨的秋千长啥样?用木头沙发床给你们做一个瞧瞧丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ Nothing you can’t solve with a traditional Sichuan hot pot这世界上没有什么事情是一顿地道老四川火锅解决不了的Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Official Announcement from Liziqi Youtube Channel 李子柒Youtube官方频道声明.mp4 ├─ On the first snowy night, cook a pot of chicken with firewood to get warm初雪寒夜,煮上锅热腾腾的川味柴火鸡暖暖身Liziqi.mp4 ├─ Pea jelly结结实实来一顿豌豆凉粉,清凉消暑一整夏Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Picking Out Blooming Flowers to Make Aromatic Dew 摘下一朵朵盛放的花,凝结成香喷喷的露——纯露Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ Riding a Horse to Find Magnolia Liliflora Blossoms for You 遛马寻花,摘下开得正盛的辛夷给喜欢的你们Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ Slow-Boiled Autumn Pear Paste, Tasty, Cough Relief & Good for Lung炉火慢慢熬炼出的秋梨膏,止咳润肺滋味好Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Sour and sweet, a delicacy to warm your wintry days—spicy Chinese cabbage.温暖一冬的酸甜回味——辣白菜.mp4 ├─ Special pigeon soup,it's good for you when the spring comes春暖花开,来一碗梅花鸽子汤补补元气!Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Spring Festival dish福气满满团圆菜,吉祥如意幸福年——年夜饭Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Tasty preserved meat—— Indispensable for the Spring Festival年菜不可缺少的一份子,腌制入味的酱腊肉Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ The best gift for woman——The rose paste of Damascus 女人最好的礼物——大马士革玫瑰酱!Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ The delicious food from the mountain—Termitomyces mushroom oil鲜香入味!来自大山深处的极致美味——鸡枞油Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ The different tastes of steam dried meats make up new year's atmosphere腊味合蒸,千滋百味方是年味!Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ The favorite soup of food lovers, all tastes in one jar—Fo tiao qiang吃货馋猫们的心头爱,一个陶坛糅杂百味—佛跳墙Liziqi.mp4 ├─ The life of roses.玫瑰花的一生。丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ The receipt we used for years to make Sichuan dry meat and sausage 四川腊肉和川味香肠,家里做了几十年的方子.mp4 ├─ The wild jujube is ripe, it’s time to make some wild jujube cake老屋后的枣子熟了,正好做笼酸枣糕解解馋Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ When spring comes, let’s enjoy a pot of Sichuan stew dried ribs春暖花开,来上一锅享誉巴蜀的盐排骨可好?Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Wine table of winding canal—an exciting by-product of watching TV!这是一个看电视看出来的曲水流觞桌!丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ Winter cuisine with great meaning—flower shaped shrimp寓意吉祥的寒冬美味——花开富贵虾Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ Yummy pork backbone in the winter!炖一锅酥烂入味的酱香大骨,冬天就得吃肉才痛快Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ a perfect breakfast榨菜清粥&梅花酥,完美早餐 Liziqi.mp4 ├─ cherry 应季甜点,樱桃的花样做法送给你们Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ handmade washstand for my bathroom旧物新颜,古朴的纯手工实木洗手台Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ honey and grapefruit tea 寒意渐浓的深秋,来碗暖人心脾的蜂蜜柚子茶可好 丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ iced Canned yellow peaches 黄桃罐头:炎炎夏日,来罐冰镇黄桃罐头怎么样?丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ made some desserts out of peach blossom张罗了些桃花味的小甜点,碾作汁熬成浆,依旧香的固执 Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ snow and hot pot, perfect match『我就问你,下雪天不吃火锅吃啥』 ▎Snowy days go well with hot pot❤.mp4 ├─ soy milk, steamed rice cake熬个豆浆再蒸几块紫薯米糕,再忙都要好好吃早饭啊!Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ spicy beef jerky 麻辣手撕牛肉干 看书追剧必备小零食 Here’s the super pal for reading and watching TV Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ steaming pot of braised lamb in Jiangnan style 红烧湖羊肉,小鲜肉老味道Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ “火焰醉鱼”这一定是我近几年来吃过最好吃的鱼! 没有之一!.mp4 ├─ 一种如精灵般的食材——松茸.mp4 ├─ 一颗黄豆到一滴酱油传统手工酿造酱油Traditional handicraft.Turn a soybean seed into a drop of soy sauce丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 不能去人多的地方扎堆儿,赶在上巳节这天家门口春个游!Avoid crowds, and go spring outing nearby!丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 为生活添一抹淡雅绿意,用砍下的竹子制些物件儿——竹沙发 Bamboo SofaLiziqi channel.mp4 ├─ 传统手工酱油.mp4 ├─ 农忙时节,围一块儿喝点家酿啤酒消暑又解馋.mp4 ├─ 凉冰冰甜丝丝的浆果蛋奶冰激淋,是夏天的味道!Ice cream made from sweet berries.mp4 ├─ 千年民俗蕴服章之美,蜀绣文化彰华夏礼仪 Shu Embroidery Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 千年长安千年纸,原来最原始的纸张是这样造出来的-----Papermaking.mp4 ├─ 南瓜.mp4 ├─ 又到了瓜果蔬菜怎么吃都吃不完的季节,脑壳疼呐 Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 又闻荷香,索性荷花、荷叶、莲藕折腾了个遍! Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 古法红糖Providing warmth in the winter, quietly hidden in the bubbles of old brown sugarLiziqi channel.mp4 ├─ 古老的东方蚕桑文化,治愈每一个怕冷的人——蚕丝被 winter bedding from double-cocoon silkLiziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 吃得满足,嗦得过瘾,辣得舒坦,就一碗柳州螺蛳粉 Liuzhou Luosifen Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 各种纯露.mp4 ├─ 吊柿饼It’s a red mountain, and in the fall, it’s natural to make some sweet persimmons.Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ 咸鸭蛋.mp4 ├─ 喝的是茶,过的是生活 Tea is more than a drink, but a lifestyle.丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 夏天瓜果菜.mp4 ├─ 外皮酥脆,肉汁丰腴鲜香,触及灵魂的苏式鲜肉月饼Suzhou pork mooncakes.mp4 ├─ 姜.mp4 ├─ 家里突然热闹了,做了一大盘“傣味手抓饭”,顺便把做法也给你们.mp4 ├─ 小玩意儿.mp4 ├─ 小麦各种.mp4 ├─ 当烙锅遇上缙云烧饼,你以为有故事?并没有!When the flipping pan meets sesamecake,you think there will be a story.mp4 ├─ 当腊味煲仔饭遇上胡椒猪肚鸡你又以为有故事?还是没有!Lap Mei claypot rice pig maw and chicken soup with pepper Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 快入冬了,自己做些阿胶糕囤着暖身子!donkey hide gelatin paste.mp4 ├─ 念念不忘的是小时候那芋香弥漫的味道——芋头饭.mp4 ├─ 我把香菇种到山里啦!I planted shiitake mushrooms in the mountain!.mp4 ├─ 抢在番茄掉果之前,全收回来弄点好吃的——红宝石番茄酱 Red Sapphire Tomato Sauce Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 挂一盏观花月影灯,正配这一整桌的黄桃小食 Peach Dishes Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 教你们一个手残星人也毫无压力的硬菜:荷叶糯米排骨 丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 月儿圆圆,稻米飘香,正逢农家收谷忙Full Moon, Fragrance of Ripe Rice, Farmers Busy Harvesting Crops Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 李子柒人参蜜.mp4 ├─ 李子柒做纸.mp4 ├─ 李子柒傣味手抓饭.mp4 ├─ 李子柒兰州牛肉面.mp4 ├─ 李子柒刺龙苞.mp4 ├─ 李子柒北方酱大骨.mp4 ├─ 李子柒千层底布鞋.mp4 ├─ 李子柒古法红糖.mp4 ├─ 李子柒古法胭脂口红纸胭脂膏眉黛膏.mp4 ├─ 李子柒吊柿饼.mp4 ├─ 李子柒四川腊肉和川味香肠.mp4 ├─ 李子柒地瓜.mp4 ├─ 李子柒大马士革玫瑰酱.mp4 ├─ 李子柒巧酥.mp4 ├─ 李子柒干豇豆烧猪蹄.mp4 ├─ 李子柒年夜饭.mp4 ├─ 李子柒年货小零食新年特辑.mp4 ├─ 李子柒松茸.mp4 ├─ 李子柒松鼠鱼.mp4 ├─ 李子柒枣糕.mp4 ├─ 李子柒桂花酒.mp4 ├─ 李子柒桃胶.mp4 ├─ 李子柒梅菜扣肉.mp4 ├─ 李子柒棕编篮子.mp4 ├─ 李子柒榨菜.mp4 ├─ 李子柒樱桃.mp4 ├─ 李子柒江南红烧湖羊肉.mp4 ├─ 李子柒活字印刷.mp4 ├─ 李子柒火焰醉鱼.mp4 ├─ 李子柒炒鸡块饼.mp4 ├─ 李子柒焖雪水鱼.mp4 ├─ 李子柒熟醉蟹.mp4 ├─ 李子柒熬梨膏.mp4 ├─ 李子柒父亲节炒土豆丝.mp4 ├─ 李子柒牛肉酱.mp4 ├─ 李子柒玫瑰米酒.mp4 ├─ 李子柒玫瑰醋.mp4 ├─ 李子柒生滚鱼片粥.mp4 ├─ 李子柒番茄牛腩煲.mp4 ├─ 李子柒百香果柠檬鸡脚.mp4 ├─ 李子柒盐排骨.mp4 ├─ 李子柒秋千.mp4 ├─ 李子柒竹沙发.mp4 ├─ 李子柒竹筒饭.mp4 ├─ 李子柒笔墨纸砚.mp4 ├─ 李子柒羊毛斗篷披风.mp4 ├─ 李子柒羊肉火锅.mp4 ├─ 李子柒老四川火锅.mp4 ├─ 李子柒腊肉.mp4 ├─ 李子柒芋头饭.mp4 ├─ 李子柒花开富贵虾.mp4 ├─ 李子柒苏造酱.mp4 ├─ 李子柒荠菜饺子.mp4 ├─ 李子柒荷叶叫花鸡.mp4 ├─ 李子柒荷叶糯米排骨.mp4 ├─ 李子柒蚕丝被.mp4 ├─ 李子柒覆盆子老冰棍.mp4 ├─ 李子柒豆腐.mp4 ├─ 李子柒豌豆凉粉.mp4 ├─ 李子柒辣白菜炖腊肉.mp4 ├─ 李子柒过年.mp4 ├─ 李子柒酱腊肉.mp4 ├─ 李子柒酸萝卜老鸭汤.mp4 ├─ 李子柒野生鲫鱼汤.mp4 ├─ 李子柒野菌鸡汤.mp4 ├─ 李子柒金银花茶.mp4 ├─ 李子柒阿胶膏.mp4 ├─ 李子柒面包窑.mp4 ├─ 李子柒馓子.mp4 ├─ 李子柒鲜肉月饼.mp4 ├─ 李子柒鸡枞油.mp4 ├─ 李子柒麻婆豆腐.mp4 ├─ 柴火慢烙出焦黄焦黄的玉米饼,香到流口水.mp4 ├─ 栗子.mp4 ├─ 棉.棉花的一生,我保证下次想个新系列名字哈哈哈 The Purpose of Cotton丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 每个夏天一定要做的事情就是——吃青梅!Green plums.mp4 ├─ 浆果蛋奶冰激凌.mp4 ├─ 火锅.mp4 ├─ 烤红薯&酸辣粉gooey sweet potatoes&hand-made noodles, in hot and sour soupLiziqi.mp4 ├─ 用葡萄皮给自己做件衣服,是一种怎样的体验?.mp4 ├─ 用鲜花给自己做了套胭脂,原来古代的胭脂眉黛膏是这样做出来的make natural lipstick with flowers.mp4 ├─ 番茄各种.mp4 ├─ 秋天就是坚果的主场呀~板栗甜,橡果香!▏Autumn is the home of nuts,Chinese chestnut is sweet Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 种植玉米.mp4 ├─ 种植稻米.mp4 ├─ 端午粽子.mp4 ├─ 笋.mp4 ├─ 笋的各种.mp4 ├─ 素食界的香饽饽——麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu.mp4 ├─ 肉可以不吃,这样一碟小菜,我能吃下三碗饭!Liziqi.mp4 ├─ 荷花季.mp4 ├─ 蒜的一生,实在想不出有创意的名字了!下次你们帮我想!The life of garlic~ 丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 蜀绣.mp4 ├─ 豆浆等等.mp4 ├─ 趁着晒谷子这些天,鼓捣了一堆温馨有趣的小玩意儿make little funny items in sunning the millet these days Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 辛夷花.mp4 ├─ 辣椒.mp4 ├─ 这一定是最适合在夏天做的吃食——各种果酱!.mp4 ├─ 这绝对是一碗艺术 素有面食文化活化石之称的正宗兰州牛肉面.mp4 ├─ 野菜.mp4 ├─ 金黄的季节,载满了收获的喜悦和玉米的香甜Golden season, full of preasure of harvest and sweet corn Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ 青梅各种.mp4 ├─ 香喷喷、火辣辣、让人垂涎三尺的川菜之魂----豆瓣酱.mp4 ├─ 香菇各种.mp4 ├─ 马奶酒烤全羊.mp4 ├─ 黄桃.mp4 ├─ (EP1)蓝草的一生?蓝印花布的一生?还是李子柒花裙子的一生?The life of blue calico dresses hand-dyed by Li Ziqi.mp4 ├─ (EP2)蓝草的一生?蓝印花布的一生?还是李子柒花裙子的一生?The life of blue calico dresses hand-dyed by Li Ziqi 丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ (年夜大餐)NYE dinner, wish you all happy and healthLiziqi channel.mp4 ├─ (木活字)Woodblock printing, engraved with the essence of the ancient Chinese culture Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ (桃胶)Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, Making an Early Spring Dessert – Peach ResinLiziqi channel.mp4 ├─ (百香果)Eat a lot of food, soak the summer of the fruity fruit ——passion fruit Liziqi channel.mp4 ├─ (笋)Best Time of Year to Comsume Juicy and Tender Bamboo Shoots Pick As Much As You LikeLiziqi.mp4 ├─ (笔墨纸砚)scholars four treasures– an Epitome of Thousands Years of Chinese CultureLiziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ (羊羔毛斗篷)Weave a lamb wool cape for the freezing winterLiziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ (酸萝卜老鸭汤) Eat some meat and have drink in cold days, my favorite --pickle radish duck soapLiziqi.mp4 ├─ (采野菜)If You Miss the Best Days to Pick Wild Herbs, You’ve Missed the Entire Spring Liziqi Channel.mp4 ├─ (铜锅涮肉)the soup base to blanch sliced mutton in freezing daysLiziqi channel.mp4 └─ (面包窑)a bread kiln, to bake a crisp and sweet breadLiziqi.mp4